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Please see the PMMP Docs for explanation on how events works. This section currently only explains an example on how to create an event. This will be updated in the future.

Creating an Event Listener Class

Create a new file named EventListener.php inside the directory where your Main class file is located at. Then open the file and add this code (replace the namespace with your plugin's namespace):


namespace YourPluginName\YourName;

use pocketmine\event\Listener;

class EventListener implements Listener {


Creating an Event Handling Method

We're going to use PlayerMoveEvent as an example.

First, import the PlayerMoveEvent class:

use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerMoveEvent;

Second, add a method with PlayerMoveEvent $event as its argument. You can use any method name you like, but the method must be public and must return void This time we're going to use onPlayerMove:

public function onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent $event): void


You can set the event priority when multiple handlers from different plugins needs to execute at the same time. For more information, please visit the PMMP Docs page.


As of April 13, the documentation is incomplete, so if you want to know more about it, please ask in PMMP's Discord server.

Handling the Event

In this example, we want to print the player's origin and target location in the player's chat, and cancel the event to prevent the player from moving.

Before that, we need to check if the event has been cancelled by another plugin. If it's indeed has been cancelled, we'd like to stop the event handling. To do that, add this code into the method we've just created:

if($event->isCancelled()) { // Checks if the event has been cancelled by another plugin
return; // Stops the event handling

Now we can do what we wanted safely. Please add this code under the code we've just added:

$player = $event->getPlayer(); // Saves the player instance as a variable to make the code a bit cleaner
$player->sendMessage("From: " . $event->getFrom()); // This should call the Location->__toString() method
$player->sendMessage("To: " . $event->getTo());

$event->cancel(); // Cancels the event to prevent the player from moving

After doing the three sections above, your EventListener class should look like these:


namespace YourPluginName\YourName;

use pocketmine\event\Listener;
use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerMoveEvent;

class EventListener implements Listener{
public function onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent $event): void{
if($event->isCancelled()){ // Checks if the event has been cancelled by another plugin
return; // Stops the event handling

$player = $event->getPlayer(); // Saves the player instance as a variable to make the code a bit cleaner
$player->sendMessage("From: " . $event->getFrom()); // This should call the Location->__toString() method
$player->sendMessage("To: " . $event->getTo());

$event->cancel(); // Cancels the event to prevent the player from moving

If not, please check again what you may have missed before continuing.

Registering the Event Listener Class

To make our EventListener class work, we need to register it in our Main class, specifically while our plugin is enabling (that is, in the onEnable method).

To do that, please open your Main class, then add this code in your onEnable method:

$this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents(new EventListener(), $this);

This time we don't need to import the EventListener class, because it's located in the same directory as our Main class. Please always keep this in mind.

Congratulations, you've created your first event listener class and handler. Now you're ready to test it!