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In plugin.yml we added a path main. Now depending on the path we added for this tutorial, we will first create a folder called YourPluginName in the src folder and in this folder we will create another folder called YourName and in this folder we will create a file called Main with the extension .php

Now lets start adding some code to Main.php.


Here you would add the sub-folders of the src dictionary. Based off main path in plugin.yml.


namespace YourPluginName\YourName;

Use Statement

In a new line you will now add a use statement.

use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;

This statement is used to enable our plugin.


We will now add the class. In the class we will be able to enable your plugin. But to enable your plugin you need to extend your class.

class Main extends PluginBase { }


In the class we will add a function to enable your plugin and to do so we will be using the onEnable() function like so:

class Main extends PluginBase { 

protected function onEnable() : void
$this->getLogger()->info("Plugin has been Enabled");


At the end your Main.php file should look like this:


namespace YourPluginName\YourName;

use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;

class Main extends PluginBase {

protected function onEnable() : void
$this->getLogger()->info("Plugin has been Enabled");


Now when you start your server your console should have a message saying Plugin has been Enabled.